Exploring Side Project Ideas
Every once in a while I dream about creating something by coding a side project, but never really follow through. As years pass by I think maybe it will be a better idea if I start by tracking down all the interesting project ideas for future references. So here it goes.
Journal/todo app that asks me what I’ll do and what I did. I’ve emulated having a todo app that every morning/night asks me: “what will you do?” and I can fill in a handful of items. But it also shows me the items from the last time and asks “did you do them?”, giving me the option to check them off, throw them out, or move them to the next day. Inspired by Austin Henly’s blog post.
A tiny game in pixels. A very simple pixel art game where you can move around freely in a world doing god-knows-what. Inspired by battle_royale.
Build project 1 on IOS in swift. This should make it more fun since you need to learn and struggle with Swift.
Implement a branch-and-bound algorithm (with visualization). More algorithm driven and probably needs to either leverage an existing linear solver or built an inhouse simplex algorithm.
RSS reader. I miss the days where I get my information from blogs I follow using Google reader. Now RSS is dead, or is it? I still see RSS as an option from many blogs I visit today. Maybe it’s time for a revival?
Recipe App. What’s for lunch? It’s always a pain to figure out what to have for lunch. Especially if you plan to cook a simple dish, but don’t know which dish to cook and what ingradients are needed. Create a simple app that can record the favorite simple recipes that you mastered, then make recommendations to you when you can’t decide what’s for lunch.
Pi Encryptor It is known that pi contains any finite sequence of numbers. Is there a way to find the first occurence of a given seqence, so we can use the position and length to encrypt the sequence?
to be continued…